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- Interface Editor History
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.32 · The catalog editor now uses much less memory then the
- previous version.
- · Fixed the handling of MutualExclude in the menu
- editor.
- 2.31 22/12/96 · Support for multiselect listviews (OS 3.0+)
- · Deutsch catalog
- · New BevelFill.desc
- · Added a check for the activation key of the gadgets:
- you can't enter the same key for two gadget on the
- same window.
- · Removed duplicate strings in IEditor code.
- · Extended support for localization: you can now mantain
- the whole catalog for your application from IEditor.
- · New ScrollerWindow.iex: supports localization of the
- scroller window.
- 2.30 04/11/96 · Fixed bug: IE could crash when removing a gadget which
- was in a bank.
- · The BevelFill.iex did a RefreshGList() without
- checking if there were gadgets.
- · Little corrections here and there.
- 2.29 23/10/96 · Bugfix: IE crashed when updating the screen with some
- windows open in test mode.
- · IE now handles "gadget banks".
- · It is possible to write only new templates when
- generating the source.
- · Fixed a bug when loading IFF images into the Image
- bank.
- · Fixed bug in BevelFill.iex and BackFill.iex: they
- could crash IE when zooming the window, because they
- did a "EraseRect( rp, x1, y1, x2, y2 )" without
- ensuring that ( x2 >= x1 ) and ( y2 >= y1 ).
- · Fixed bug: if "Use the window flags" was set and the
- screen mode was changed, the check on the menu item
- disappeared.
- · Fixed some incompatibility problems with SAS/C.
- · Fixed bug: the C.generator crashed the system if it
- couldn't open the "Join" file for localisation.
- · Added the documentation for Gauge.iex in the guide.
- · You can now use different headers in the generated
- source.
- · The C.generator now uses its own file to store the
- prefs (C.prefs).
- · The C.generator does not require CatComp anymore
- (though it can still use it).
- · Fixed bug: the GTB.loader didn't convert menus
- correctly.
- · Fixed bug: you could open the Image Bank more than
- once, but only the last was closed.
- 2.28 Not released.
- 2.27 01/06/96 · The editing windows are now refreshed even if there's
- a requester open.
- · New .iex: Function.iex
- · Expanders can use more IE functions, e.g. GetGadget().
- · Expanders can now add ARexx commands to IE.
- · Expanders can add more than 1 object kind to IE.
- · Fixed a bug in GTB.loader when loading GUI with TEXT
- kind gadget.
- · If you localize your GUI, the key handlers will use
- the gadget activation key set in the catalog.
- E.g. English = _Cancel, Italian = _Annulla.
- · Fixed a bug that occurred when using IE with Yak.
- · IE doesn't stop looking for loaders when one of them
- return an error.
- · Some requesters are now asyncronous.
- · Fixed a bug in the handling of the ASL requesters.
- · Fixed the English catalog.
- 2.26 19/03/96 · Some bug fixes here and there...
- 2.25 12/02/96 · Totally rewritten from scratch in C (well, it's the
- 2nd time I rewrite it and I don't feel like doing it
- anymore... ;-).
- · Loaders and generators are now external modules.
- · Changed all the gadget tags requesters.
- · New ARexx commands: GETITEXTLENGTH, GETFILE.
- · IE now supports localization.
- · Added the 'Macros' menu.
- · Little bug fixes here and there.
- · IE can now be expanded with external modules.
- 2.24 17/12/95 · main() procedure editor.
- · Bug fixes in C sources: forgot '[]' on ColorSpec
- definition; 'WA_xxScreen, Src' was a bit wrong... :-|
- Many thanks to Calogero Calì for his bug report and
- his quick hint! :)
- · When IE opens a requester, it locks all other windows.
- · The C routine SetupRexxPort will now create ports
- whose extension starts from 1. Sorry for the
- incovenience.
- 2.23 9/12/95 · Little bug-fixes.
- · IE can now generate OpenDiskFonts() routines.
- · Fixed the ARexx code generated by IE. Now it can be
- used in your programs. :-)
- · Fixed a bug in the Menu Editor: deleting an Item
- caused unpredictable results.
- · Improved the CloseWnd routine in C sources.
- 2.22 26/11/95 · IE now sets the GTLV_ReadOnly tag (if required) in the
- editing windows' listviews.
- · You can now abort the copy or the movement of gadgets
- pressing the right mouse button.
- · Improved the CloseWnd routine in C sources.
- · Fixed a bug in the ImgBank.
- · The include files are included in the .h file too.
- 2.21 25/11/95 · Improved the Vanilla Key handler: it checks if a
- gadget is disabled or not.
- · The Preferences menu is refresh correctly after a
- screen change.
- · If a GUI is loaded via its icon, its path is used by
- IE to fill the initial drawer and initial file fields
- of the Save GUI file requester.
- · Added in the manual the description of the error code
- 3 returned by Open<wnd label>Window routines when they
- can't create menus.
- · IE doesn't use anymore nofrag.library and thus is a
- bit faster.
- · Changed the way IntuiText are handled in the C source.
- · The Asm Source Generator doesn't write any longer the
- .bin files for images: now they're put into the source
- with dc.w instructions.
- 2.20 16/11/95 · The bitmaps of every image loaded into the Image Bank
- are analysed and whenever is possibile, PlaneOnOff and
- PlanePick are used to minimize the amount of memory
- needed to store their data.
- · The X and Y coordinates of images drawn in the windows
- were swapped when the source was created. Fixed.
- · Added the ARexx Interface Editor. You wouldn't ever
- expected it in this program, eh? ;-)
- · IE caused an AN_FreedTwice alert when unloading a GUI
- after the copy of gadgets with a selected font. Fixed.
- · Fixed a couple of little errors in the C src
- generator.
- · Little bug fixes here and there.
- · Modified the Boolean Gagdget and IntuiText requesters:
- now their palette gadgets can hold up to 256 colors.
- · The Copy function works properly with CYCLE and MX
- gadgets.
- 2.19 3/11/95 · IE now supports IntuiTexts
- · <Wnd Label>VanillaKey templates are no more forgotten.
- · Fixed a bug in "Windows/Bevel Box/Edit...": before
- this version I think it was an unsafe function... :-(
- · Fixed some little bugs in the generation of the Render
- routine for Images in Assembly.
- · Minor bugs fixed.
- 2.18 30/10/95 · CommKeys for menu items are ignored if the item has
- sub items.
- · IE can now generate font-adaptive code.
- · IE's sources now use the XOffset variable.
- · The E Code Generator won't be updated anymore.
- · Improved the Asm code used (in the generated sources)
- to handle menu selection.
- · IE caused a Guru when you tried to generate a C source
- and omitted the .c suffix. Fixed.
- · Changed the '(ULONG)<Wnd Label>GList' constant in
- WTags arrays with 'NULL', otherwise the SAS/C refused
- to compile the source.
- · Changed 'func = (void *)' with 'func = (BOOL *)' to
- avoid warnings from the SAS/C.
- · When IE needs to call up the Screen Mode Requester
- because it failed to open the screen for a loaded GUI,
- it puts the public screen to front.
- · When the screen is updated, the menus are activated
- correctly.
- · Fixed a bug in "Gadgets/Items..."
- 2.17 19/10/95 · Now IE uses OpenDiskFont()
- · Now the function "Test menu" works again...
- · Fixed some bugs.
- · Improved the menu event processing routine for the
- Tools and editing windows: now it supports the
- drag-selection.
- · Images can now be drawn in the window too.
- · The buffers for the "Select an image" ASL req are now
- different from the open/save ones.
- · I thought to have fixed a bug with v2.16: well,
- actually I haven't changed nothing... :-| Now it's OK.
- 2.16 7/10/95 · Fixed a little bug: when a gadget was resized, it was
- also moved... :-S
- 2.15 6/10/95 · Fixed a little bug: I thought that it was perfectly
- legal to insert the address of a TextAttr structure in
- the it_TextFont field and to clear the ta_Font
- field... I was wrong! :-|
- · Now IE handles Boolean Gadget with text correctly.
- · Added the BevelBoxes support (it's nice, isn't it? ;).
- · Added a link to this file in the guides. ;)
- · Added the "Gadgets/TabCycle Order" function.
- · Fixed a little bug: now if you've got two or more
- windows with boolean gadgets open when you generate
- the source, you won't see anymore boolean gadgets that
- disappear misteriously... ;-)
- · IE doesn't use anymore the SetVBuf function, mainly
- because at present time it's quite useless.
- · Improved the C IDCMP & Key Handlers.
- · IE forgot to write the prototypes for the IDCMP
- functions. Now it remembers to write 'em...
- · Now the user can decide if the Key handler should
- consider lowercase letters equal to uppercase ones or
- not.
- · Gadgets can now be resized more easily. :) As a
- consequence the menu "Gadgets/Size/Modify" has been
- removed.
- · New icon by Gian Maria Calzolari.
- · <- From now onwards I'll put these dots... ;-D
- 2.14 26/9/95 Finally, the IDCMP Handler is available in C too!
- Added a VanillaKey Handler in C & Asm languages.
- IE can now generate C template files.
- 2.13 15/9/95 Removed another hit. ;)
- Added some ARexx commands. Now the arguments are parsed
- with ReadArgs.
- 2.12 10/9/95 Removed two Enforcer hits.
- Added an ARexx interface.
- 2.11 9/9/95 Now IE initially opens a LikeWorkbench screen.
- IEditor's screen is Public.
- "Gadgets/Title..." now processes all the selected
- gadgets.
- Fixed some little bugs in the C Src generation routine.
- 2.10 30/8/95 Fixed a bug in the E generation routine.
- Fixed some other bugs.
- 2.9c 28/8/95 Fixed other bugs.
- Now IEditor has a keyfile system.
- Added a string gadget in the C Prefs requester to enter
- the corrected form of "UWORD chip" used by your
- compiler.
- Added the System Info requester.
- 2.9b 26/8/95 Fixed some bugs.
- 2.09 23/8/95 Added some keyboard shortcuts.
- Slightly improved the gadget creation routines.
- Now IE checks the size of the new gadgets, not allowing
- them to be too small.
- The Patcher crashed when occurred an error. Fixed.
- Now the Patcher has an imbedded version string.
- Fixed a bug in the Workbench startup code.
- Fixed a bug in the UpdateScr internal routine.
- Enlarged the ToolBar.
- Fixed a bug in the C-E code generation routines.
- Boolean gadgets are now supported in C too.
- "Gadgets/Spread" function added.
- "Gadgets/Spacing" function added.
- The Menu Editor is finally fully working.
- Removed some nasty bugs.
- Flipped the Hystory file (this one ;)...
- 2.08 2/8/95 Added the 'DEL' keyboard equivalent to Gadgets/Delete.
- Added the Image Bank.
- Fixed a little bug in the Asm Raw Code generation
- routine.
- I didn't think of the 10th kind (reserved) in a data
- structure of IE, causing some troubles... Fixed.
- Fixed a silly bug in the C src generetion routine.
- Added the support for Intuition boolean gadgets (till
- now only in Assembly language).
- Bumped the version of IE data files and inserted into
- the archive the 'Patcher', the program that converts old
- IE files into new ones.
- Deutsch catalog file by Frank Wille.
- 2.07 27/6/95 Deleted the menu item "Gadgets/Position": now the
- gadgets can be moved directly clicking over them. ;)
- The activation of the modify gadget requester by double
- click has been improved.
- Added the 'Create icons' feature.
- 2.06 23/6/95 Now the editing windows have a shared IDCMP port,
- allowing you to open as many of them as you wish.
- IEditor accepts the name of a gui-file on the command
- line or as a WB Arg.
- IE can now be quitted with the BREAK command.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- 2.05 17/6/95 Removed all the remaining Enforcer hits.
- Bumped the version of IE data files.
- Changed the OpenWnd procedures in the generated code in
- order to make them utilizable with variable font height
- (a little step toward font sensitive coding ;).
- Added a requester in the Windows/Discard routine.
- 2.04 12/6/95 Removed some Enforcer hits.
- Fixed a bug in the Save GUI routine.
- 2.03 10/6/95 Fixed a bug in the Load GUI routine.
- Added an IDCMP Handler in the Asm code generator.
- Opening some requester (e.g. the req for the Window
- Title) and then closing it, the window below it wasn't
- refreshed. Fixed.
- It crashed on 68000's when the screen was updated and
- there were no windows opened. Fixed.
- The guide was quite unreadable under AmigaGuide v40.
- Fixed.
- I've started to redraw all the GUI of IE, with IE
- itself.
- Bumped the version of IE data files.
- 2.02 4/6/95 Fixed a bug in the management of the C Prefs window.
- Corrected the Default Tool of the Italian guide.
- Gadgets copy function added.
- 2.01 2/6/95 It crashed when pressing the return key on string
- gadgets and integer gadgets. Fixed.
- The Amiga E Source Generator didn't create windows label.
- Fixed.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- 2.00 31/5/95 Second release, half an year later.
- Totally rewritten from scratch in Asm. Much more useful
- but there were still many bugs.
- 1.00 27/12/94 First release. It was coded in Amiga E and it wasn't
- very good at all... :(